Event Diary



To view a map giving the location of the meeting point, click once on the grid  reference,

Should you require a Post Code for the start location, to programme into a satnav, look at the bottom of the map and click where it states “Click here to convert coordinates” this will show you the closest post code. Please be aware that a post code for a country location can cover a wide area and will not always give you an exact location.


If you prefer to use the "What Three Words Code" for navigation, the code is listed under each task entry and will guide you to the same spot as the grid reference


Please note, all our tasks and events are open to non-members unless it specifically states otherwise, although we do ask that anyone who tries our weekly tasks and decides to become a “regular” joins the Society. In particular when a task involves hedge laying we will limit attendance to the task to our regular volunteers. This country craft is popular and we need to be sure that our regular volunteers have sufficient opportunities to practice it.


If you have any queries on the detail or content of our web site please address them to



Copyright © West Berkshire Countryside Society 2020



Tues 10th Dec 10:00am Bucklebury Meadows            Working on hedges around the meadows behind the pub/restaurant in Upper Bucklebury. Park in Morton’s Lane. SU543 686 chuckling.notion.regaining  


Tues 17th Dec 10:00am Ashampstead Common Haloing work on the special trees. Park at the Common entrance just past The Cottage along Sucks Lane, Ashampstead RG8 8QT       SU577 751 nuzzling.pegs.afford           


Tues 7th Jan 10:00 Holt Lodge Farm. Coppicing. Meet at Holt Lodge Farmhouse near Kintbury. SU387 648 skid.comments.tripling


Tues 14th Jan 10:00 Decoy Heath. Clearing invasive willow and birch.             SU613 634 spindles.pity.rear


Tues 21st Jan 10:00 Bucklebury Meadows. Working on hedges around the meadows behind the pub/restaurant in upper Bucklebury. Park in Morton’s Lane. SU543 686 chuckling.notion.regaining


Tues 28th Jan 10:00 Sulham Farm. Woodland management. Park along the track adjacent to Sulham Church. SU645 742 across.influencing.spots         


Tues 4th Feb 10:00 Paice’s Wood. Creating scallops to let in more light. Parking is in the top car park. SU586 636  treaties.barman.unfocused


Tues 11th Feb 10:00 Malt House, West Woodhay. Hedge laying and coppicing. Parking is at the entrance to the field off the W. Woodhay Rd or as directed on the day.   SU407 639 belts.glorified.connects


Tues 18th Feb 10:00 Sheepdrove, Lambourne. Continue hedge laying and tidying previous length of hedge. Park near the Red Barn. Do not use sat nav guidance to locate this site.      SU349 816  connected.ranges.over


Tues 25th Feb 10:00 Bucklebury Common. Heathland management.  Clearing trees and shrubs to create new haloes around important trees. Meet at the Crossroads. SU556 691  taskbar.flagpole.sensual      


Tues 4th March 10:00  Winterbourne Wood. Clearing fallen trees, dead hedging and general clearing of wind fallen brash. Park on the main woodland entrance track. SU447 717 headboard.tubes.olive


Tues 11th March 10:00 Rushall Manor Farm. Ride widening. Likely to be very muddy so please bring wellies. Parking by the Black Barn. SU584 723  telephone.brink.crate


Tues 18th March 10:00 Malt House, West Woodhay. Continuing hedge laying. Parking is on the entrance to the field off the W. Woodhay Rd or as directed on the day.   SU407 639 belts.glorified.connects


Tues 25th March 10:00 Bucklebury Common. Heathland management.  Clearing trees and shrubs. Meet at the Crossroads. SU556 691  taskbar.flagpole.sensual